Transformed Executives, Transformed World

Established in 1995, The CEO Forum is a premier spiritual leadership development organization. Through safe and confidential gatherings, unique faith-based curriculum and education programs, one-on-one mentoring and discipleship, pastoral care and support from CEO Forum staff, and gleaning from the experience and wisdom of Forum members, we provide the support leaders need to face the complex challenges in the marketplace.

As a result, leaders flourish in Christ as agents of transformation to make a positive difference in their workplace, while also equipping them to make a positive difference in the world. In short, Transformed Executives, Transformed World.


Discipling Business Leaders of Influence


To engage, encourage, and disciple CEOs and Senior Executives and their families as Christ-following leaders who advance the Kingdom of God.


Transformed Executives, Transformed World

Our Seven Brand Promises


We will uphold the Bible and its authority in member’s lives, honoring Jesus Christ as the son of God and the only name by which we may be saved.


We will pray with faith in God for all members and their families.


We will be a confidential, spiritual refuge for CEOs and Senior Executives.


We will provide personal, high touch, high quality Christ-centered discipleship and mentoring for all CEOs and Senior Executives.


We will intentionally convene our membership, creating venues for relationship building, spiritual refreshment, and equipping to nourish the spiritual “health” of CEOs and Senior Executives and their families.


We will provide spiritual leadership development through high quality, innovative educational programs designed for our member’s distinct leadership challenges.


We will reach CEOs and Senior Executives not yet touched and serve as a catalyst and hub of Christ-centered leadership development throughout the world.

Member Criteria

The CEO Forum is tailored exclusively for Christ-following CEOs and Senior Executives who have or had leadership responsibility for at least $100 million dollars in annual revenue.


    We have many ways to serve you!  We will work with you to customize and tailor the right engagement opportunity based on your bandwidth and needs. 

    1-on-1 Conversations

    As a partner on your journey, we will walk with you and facilitate attending to the presence and movement of God in your life. These calls provide you a confidential companion who offers the gift of total presence and listening. A safe place to discuss matters of deepest concern without criticism, fear, or judgment.

    Area Events

    Our local gatherings are designed to facilitate authentic and genuine relationships built upon trust, transparency, grace and honesty.


    Built on best practices of executive education and Christian discipleship, the Spiritual Leadership Institute (SLI) offers courses designed for senior executives who want to take the next step in their spiritual leadership development. Led by top-tier teachers and facilitators, each cohort embarks on a three-year exploration of their identity in Christ, their calling as leaders, and the opportunities God has given them for personal and professional transformation.

    National Education Series

    CEO Forum is consistently creating video content packed full of relevant and timely spiritual encouragement on issues of national concern. These videos feature our CEO, Rick Lytle and specific guest speaker. We also have a resource library curated full of keynote speeches and content that is tailored specifically for Christian business leaders.

    Female Executive Community

    The CEO Forum recognizes the unique needs and interests of Female Executives. We offer a tailored and customized approach with the expressed goal of building intentional community that offers meaningful, confidential, and safe relational connections. Our seasoned, well-trained, and dynamic team of Geneviève Kroeker, Dr. Jackie Halstead, and Jo Vitale are committed to facilitating these desired connections.

    Annual Forum

    Held over two nights each fall for members and their spouses. Renowned guest speakers present on topics relevant to our members personal and professional lives. This event also provides a chance for members and spouses to engage one another in fellowship.

    Female spouse Ministry

    The goal of the CEO Forum Spousal ministry is to come alongside the spouses of CEOs by encouraging, praying for, providing friendship opportunities, and walking alongside them.

    Life3.0 is an initiative focused on serving CEO Forum members who have retired, stepped back, or are in transition from their leadership role. Our Senior Discipleship Fellow, Doug Fagerstrom, has developed a manual with the six domains of life (Personal Identity, Spiritual Disciplines, Marriage/Family, Relationships, Life Plan with a Personal Mission Statement, and Life Systems) to help members navigate their way to the finish line with a clear life plan and concise life-purpose (personal mission) statement.

    As an impact initiative of CEO Forum, our ENTRUST programs are designed to disciple high performing next generation business leaders so more employees may experience the touch of God. Next Generation leaders of CEO Forum have access to an exclusive community focused on Biblical leadership and discipleship.

    Global Impact Initiatives

    CEO Forum leaders have numerous individual passions they pursue as the Spirit of God leads. These passions are being discovered, connected, enhanced, and directed through collaborative CEO Forum team guidance and expertise, creating synergy and leverage to produce a greater Kingdom Impact by working together.