A Trusted Partner on Your Spiritual Leadership Journey
A membership community built to serve the distinct needs of Christ-following CEOs and Senior Executives throughout the world.

Safe, Confidential, Personal Relationships and Care

Peer Network for Business Leaders of Global Influence

Wisdom to Navigate Today’s Business and Social Challenges
You were made for the role God has given you. He handed your leadership role to you in this time to do great work for His Glory.
You have the power and influence to be a blessing to mankind and, you may notice at times, it’s lonely, challenging, and complex. You may often worry and wonder if there is anyone like-minded in your leadership orbit with whom you can stand and grow together. The answer is yes, CEO Forum.
The divine task in front of you is great and the road ahead tough. You need spiritual covering and community to help you. We are ready to stand in the gap with you – our mission is to engage, encourage, and disciple you and your family for your spiritual leadership journey. We are the premier Christ-centered spiritual leadership development organization & membership community in the world serving the needs of CEOs, Senior Executives, and their families to advance the Kingdom of God.
You Don’t Have To Stand Alone
You carry a lot of weight and were not meant to carry it alone. We were created to thrive in community with others. Reach out to our team today and let us help you become the spiritual leader you are called to be.

Become the Spiritual Leader You are Called To Be
CEO Forum is a community built to be a safe place for growth. Here’s what you’ll experience inside our membership community:

Spiritual transformation is a function of deep work, over time, in community. Your walk with Christ is designed to be an ongoing, transformative process done with others. Our experienced, highly trained, and deeply spiritual staff – executives, faculty, and facilitators will help you cultivate a life with God you’ve always wanted.

World Class Coaching and Mentoring
Battle tested wisdom and counsel is difficult to find. Beyond the classroom, church, and books, our leaders and executives inside our community have hundreds of years of experience navigating the global marketplace and managing the world’s most difficult situations. You will never again have to tackle a problem alone.

A Place of Refuge: SAFE, TRUSTED & Confidential Relationships
One of your greatest challenges is having a safe place to process, be yourself, and receive from others. We honor your desire for privacy and help you cultivate the personal relationships you need.

Ongoing Prayer & Support For You, Your Spouse & Family
Our staff is fighting for you, your family, and your organization daily in prayer. No matter the situation, we personally delight in joining you, through prayer, on your leadership journey – praying for your leadership in the global marketplace, in your home, and in the public square.
Member Criteria
The CEO Forum is tailored exclusively for Christ-following CEOs and Senior Executives who have or had leadership responsibility for at least $100 million dollars in annual revenue.
* All applications received are subject to review and approval.
What Other Executives Love About CEO Forum

“The CEO Forum has an understanding of the challenges that people in executive and c-suite positions face and how those challenges impact their families. Over the last 10 years, and through the Spiritual Leadership Institute particular, I really learned not only God’s word in a way that helped me understand the platform that I have been given, but also just how to deal with so many challenges that we face in the c-suite and in large businesses in the culture that we are living in today.”
Former Chief Marketing Officer of Walmart,
CEO Forum and TruGreen Board Member

“The CEO Forum offers an opportunity for fellowship and encouragement in your walk with Christ. This kind of personal support is essential to business leaders as they strive to evidence their faith and values in the workplace. Each time we meet, I come away uplifted and even more committed to putting my beliefs into action.”
Lead Director, Chick-fil-A,
Former CEO Popeye’s
How To Engage With
CEO Forum

Inquire Now
Click the Inquire Now button & let us know you’re interested in joining the CEO Forum. One of our team members will be in touch & talk about next steps.

Submit Your Application

Thrive Inside Our Community
Once accepted, you’ll have the entirety of the membership community and resources at your fingertips to help you grow as a spiritual leader.
“May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father… He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.”